Lambs dine with Lions, Bloods embrace Crips, Cumberland no longer polluted – it’s Fred-gasm-tastic..

What was that sound you didn’t hear..the world is not ending..the healing has begun? Soft pattern of rain falling on our parched city? The grip of poverty growing weaker on the less privileged? Oil crisis over..prices for gas plummeting? America gasps….heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeres Fredddddddddddd.

Actually, I like Fred T*. I do believe he’s sincere, but the truth is, he’s a lot sexier when he’s on the sidelines, pronouncing, observing, nodding sagely in the direction of the noise. Now that he appears to be actually within a few feet of RUNNING, some of the fervor, some of the facade will begin to show cracks. His wisdom will move from the general to the specific and people will actually find things to disagree with…

I will say that from this corner, he’s the one Republican from this field (other than Guliani – and I’ll bet the farm and the mineral rights under the farm that Rudy CAN fail to get the G.O.P. nomination), that might have a chance in 2008. I will also say that unless the Dems pull a 1972 trick out of the disaster bag, this is a Democratic sweep coming up (and not a nanosecond too soon).

It’s often more fun to anticipate than actually’s betting that Fred’s feet of gold show a little clay in the cracks. He’s not the hardest working man in show bizness, and that actually may be a good thing.

As an aside…gooodgravy, it’s May 2000freaking7, and we’re in the throes of the campaign. Maybe it’s because most of America is so ready to get rid of the current bunch..

*I’ve told this story before, but it still impresses me. Back when I lived over near the greater Green Hills area (on the poor side), I’d often saunter in to a certain Den of Donuts for an old fashioned (donut, not cocktail..i don’t think the Foxes have a liquor permit) and some excellent coffee. Many times, even when he was a Senator, I’d see Fred over in the corner reading a newspaper or chatting with buddies. No entourage, no campaigning…just Fred being Fred. I know that doesn’t necessarily equate to presidential timber, but in the eyes of this lefty, I have always admired him for that.


Filed under politics

4 responses to “Lambs dine with Lions, Bloods embrace Crips, Cumberland no longer polluted – it’s Fred-gasm-tastic..

  1. Pingback: Sexier On The Sidelines « Newscoma

  2. Pingback: Nashville is Talking » Fred Fever–Catch It!: A Round-Up

  3. Pingback: Volunteer Voters » Who Am I? I’m Fred

  4. We saw him in Donut Den one time too when he was a senator. In normal fashion, Malia didn’t recognize him until after I pointed him out.

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