Category Archives: should we talk about the weather

The sun is shining, the streets are dry…

and public school teachers and kids are deliriously happy because SCHOOL is OUT. HUH????*

I must be missing something…here’s the quote from Metro Officials:

Metro schools are closed today due to inclement weather

*I do want my wonderful wife to be happy, but geeze loueeze, THIS day off is RI-DIC-U-LOUS.


Filed under should we talk about the weather, stupid weird stuff

How to please your wife in bed, or, oh oh oh…snow job

How to please your wife in bed:

1. Ascertain that she is, indeed, a teacher

2. Wake her with the news that it’s A SNOW DAY!

(this may work on husbands too, but I don’t have one)

Sooo, the Snow Grinches, with their excessive celebration of successfully raising the snow repellent shield around Davidson county yesterday, perhaps were a little too hap-hap-happy with their work, because they didn’t get the shield up in time today!

Of course, I’m NOT a teacher and I literally walk to walk, so I have no excuses unless I slip at the corner of 5th and Hume just THINKING about the potential ice formations resulting from THIS.


Filed under should we talk about the weather